Welcome to FH International High School

*Scroll down for English version* FH International Lisesi, Toronto, Ontario, Kanada’da bulunan bir Ontario özel lisesidir. Ontario Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylanmış ve denetlenmiş bir Kanada özel lisesi olarak, 9. sınıftan 12. sınıfa kadar Ontario lise müfredatı...

The FH 2020 Fall term details

FH International High School prepared much more than normal for this special starting of the new school year. Timetable of the new semester: Training with IPSF: Teachers and staff of FH International High School attended the online seminar held by IPSF. There were...

2020 Graduation Ceremony

2020 Graduation Ceremony Our 2020 Graduation Ceremony happened on Friday, June 26, and it was a lot of fun. We, at FH International High School, are so happy to see our students accomplish their goals and truly wish all the best in their future journeys through...

Welcome to FH

The FH Difference

Faculty & Staff


Ontario High School System

Academic Calendar


FH Highschool Online

FH Online Course List

FH Online Application Process

Pathway Program

ESL Programs


Admissions Requirements & Process

Tuition Fees, Refund, Policy & Scholarship


Study Permit


Guidance & Career Coaching Program